Well, it has been a full year since leaving SAS and starting this blog. I'm very much a creature of habit and I can completely forget about the passage of time if I don't make a conscious effort to think about it. But time marches on - people age, relationships ebb and flow, and things of crucial importance become trivial (and vice versa).
A year ago I had a blank slate and didn't know what I'd do with it. I knew I wanted to make some changes in my life but I wasn't sure exactly what those should be. And I was realistic that external changes like job and locale were not really what it was about. So how'd I do? I'm basically happy with my choices but I still have the same vague gut feeling that something is not as it should be. Is that just normal? Will I still feel that way this time next year? How much will I grow?
I can hardly remember who I was nine years ago when I came to North Carolina. Or the nine years before that when I entered high school with a face full of acne. Or the nine years before that when I was playing with blocks in kindergarten. But you hardly ever notice the change as it happens which I guess is a shame.
In nine more years I will be over 40. What a preposterous idea.
Hi Ed!
I am catching up on your blog! Had no idea you were keeping one handy until someone mentioned it. I am enjoying it thus far, so I hope to see more regular posts.
To catch up: congrats on your job at Amazon. That seems pretty cooooooool.
And I don't know what a year from now will bring you, but I hope even more sense of who you are. I know for me, I have yet been satisfied with my "clothing"...what is it that I am supposed to be? Or as I like to say "what do I want to be when I grow up?"
I think what is important is to be the person that settles vs. one who still strives to figure it out. Even if you're 60, I don't think you should settle for anything less than what you want to be...
btw, it's Cindy...:-)
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