From White Sands NM I went South to El Paso, TX. I reached El Paso at just 9 and figured I'd get a room and call it an early day. The first group of motels didn't have wifi so I continued on a bit to the East (toward Guadalupe Mountain And Carlsbad Caverns NPs) to keep looking. Very quickly El Paso was in my rear-view and no lodging in sight. Oh well, how long could it take? Seriously, how long?
Let me just tell you, there is nothing but a border control checkpoint for 150 miles East of El Paso. I finally made it to Guadalupe Mountains NP and was able to get in and pitch my tent. Then I noticed the upside to being hours from civilization...the sky was darker and the stars brighter than I have ever seen in my life.
That was last night. I went on a 5.5 hour hike today here in GMNP and am now back in my tent with the rain fly off and all the windows open. I'm snug in my sleeping bag with the crickets chirping and most of the night sky in view. Life is good.
For the hike I new I needed to turn around at a certain time to make it back before dark and was a bit bummed that I wouldn't make the crest of the canyon. Being bull-headed, I pressed on anyway. Just as I was about to turn around I reached a hidden pass into the neighboring canyon; it was really breathtaking. The above picture shows part of it. The only other inhabitant was an eagle soaring in lazy circles at about my elevation.
Tomorrow I'm going to Carlsbad Caverns NP. Apparently they only offer the really gritty cave tour once a week and, as luck would have it, that day is tomorrow. There should be a bunch of bats flying out at sunset, too.
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